How Microderm Treatment Alleviates Unsightly Under-Mask Breakouts

One of the many lifestyle changes we’ve all been struggling with in this ‘new normal,’ is getting used to wearing a face mask as we go about our lives. Nowadays, it’s mandatory to wear one when shopping in certain stores and using public transportation. And for many front line workers, it’s become a part of the uniform.

If you’re one of the lucky ones who have only suffered from the occasional pimple, you may not worry too much about your skin’s reaction to masks. But many of us, even long after the dreadful hormonal teenage years, are hyper aware of the havoc things like hair product or dirty pillowcases can wreak on our complexion.

As if living with acne-prone skin wasn’t bad enough, having to don facial masks only serves to exacerbate the problem. Throw the heat and humidity of the summer season into the mix and you’ve got the perfect flareup storm for maskne.

While there are a handful of effective preventative measures such as using clean cloth masks made of natural cotton or washable silk that may reduce friction and irritation, skin issues can arise or worsen much to our dismay. That coveted fresh summer glow is camouflaged by clogged, inflamed pores around the mouth, nose and cheeks.

Not all hope is lost though. There are a handful of dermatological treatments that work wonders when it comes to the fight against Maskne. One of our favourites is microdermabrasion. A quick and painless procedure, it works by exfoliating the outermost layer of skin. Using a specialized diamond tip, the dead and damaged cells are gently removed and suctioned away. A moisturizer is then applied to help soothe and replenish the skin.

The beauty of microdermabrasion is it is minimally invasive and the results are noticeable immediately. Your skin will look fresher, and feel softer and smoother. When performed as a series of treatments, it combats blackheads, reduces pore size, increases circulation and improves skin quality. The result is rejuvenated skin with a brighter, clearer complexion.

Interested in learning more about how microdermabrasion can help with your skin woes? Call 403.648.2137 to book a complimentary consultation with our registered
nurse, Nadia Zinchuk.

Nadia has over 20 years of nursing experience, including over 15 years specializing in medical aesthetics.