Spring is the season for rebirth. And for many of us, this spring season is bringing about an abundance of change, and the opportunity to reset and reboot.

We’re getting back outdoors more often as the weather warms. Group activities and events are appearing with increasing frequency on our calendars. It may be exhilarating, yet change can also induce a level of anxiety and uncertainty.

8 Tips To Tackle The Challenge of Change

  • Accept Things May Feel Different

It’s normal to feel differently as time passes, and the past two years have forced us to make changes to our everyday life. Change can be uncomfortable but can also create a positive outcome.

  • Set New Routine

Routines can help provide a sense of control and reduce stress. What old routines will you enthusiastically usher in again? Which ones do you wish to eschew in favour of new routines you’ve established? Now is the ideal time to evaluate your routines to determine those that are best for you.

  • Plan Ahead

Returning to an office environment may cause anxiety. Planning ahead will help ease the transition! Explore your closet to curate your new work wardrobe. Put together a plan for packed lunches, utilizing the healthy eating habits you developed while working from home, or return to the healthy lunch habits you may have abandoned! Was it a habit to drive to work? Consider how to incorporate exercise into your commute by walking or cycling to work, getting off transit a few stops early to walk the few remaining blocks, or parking further from the office. Any of these may have the added bonus of saving money, too!

  • Set Boundaries

Returning to work and social functions may have you feeling unsettled. Recognizing your own comfortable level and setting boundaries can help. Are you ready for hugs, or do you feel more comfortable with continuing to maintain some distance? Be open about your preferences so others can recognize your boundaries. Some others will be feeling the same way and will be grateful for your openness.

  • Maintain A Sense of Humour

Lord Byron had some great advice when he suggested, “always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.” When you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, take a moment to laugh. Watch a funny YouTube movie or clip, listen to a podcast, share a joke. According to the Mayo Clinic, laughter has both short and long-term effects, ranging from stimulating your organs, easing tension, and improving your immune system

  • Take Care of Your Body

While your schedule may be filling up again, schedule time for regular exercise, even if it’s just several 10-minute breaks throughout the day. Go outside for a walk, roll out your yoga mat and stretch, or lace up your shoes and meet your friend for a run.

  • Connect With Friends and Loved Ones

Social connection can help keep you mentally healthy, easing anxiety and reducing risk of depression. Surround yourself with people who are uplifting, inspiring and supportive.

  • Seek Professional Help When Needed

Stress and anxiety during periods of change can take many forms. If you’re feeling confused, having difficulty concentrating, feeling anxious about returning to your office or public venues, or simply not adapting to changes around you, reach out to a professional for personalized coping strategies. Protecting your mental health must always be a priority.

If you’re challenged by the changes going on around you, reserve time for a relaxed, casual conversation with our Registered Psychologist, Shelley Hanna.
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