Meet Dr. Renee Walker

Meet Dr. Renee Walker

Ask Dr. Renee Walker about what inspires her day-to-day, and her face lights up. “What I absolutely love is when I come in and meet with people and talk to them. A lot of them have been through very tough situations, and when we work together they can turn things...
10 Tips To Beat Holiday Stress

10 Tips To Beat Holiday Stress

STICK TO YOUR REGULAR SCHEDULE “During the lead up to the holidays, we spend extra time, energy and resources on getting everything on our lists accomplished. However, changes to our sleep – like staying up late to get that batch of cookies made and then sleeping in...
Holiday Blues and Depression

Holiday Blues and Depression

The holiday season can be a magical time, brimming with friends, family and fun – but for some, the season is challenging and emotionally draining. It’s often a time of reflection, and you may be reminded of the year’s milestones, including the heartbreak of loved...
Living with Dementia

Living with Dementia

We know that a diagnosis of dementia in any form, including Alzheimer’s disease, can bring up a lot of emotions, questions and concerns for you and your loved ones. Dementia – Information and Resources for Patients and Caregivers It’s natural and expected to be...